Photo Gallery
Jim is pictured with BMO guide Ryan Branigan with his very good 2016 Bull Moose. Jim took his bull on the banks of the Green River with his 30-378 Weatherby Mag. 180 greain Barnes TSX Bullets. Ryan called the moose into shooting range & Jim made a great shot.
Stratton & Ted Miller hunted with BMO guide Terry Pollard. Terry called this bull out of the Willows on Ted's first hunt morning & he took him with his 25.06 Rem. Ted's bull scored 311 6/8 SCI.
BMO guide Nycole Pollard showed Donill good bulls everyday of his hunt. He made a great shot with his 7MM Ultra Mag. on this nice bull.
Guide Travis Pollard presented Ken with this bull on one of our Private Land leases. Ken made a great shot with his 300 Win Mag. but the bull flipped & broke his right antler off!
Randy hunted with BMO guide Travis Pollard and saw a large number of very good bulls. Travis called & Randy stocked this bull & got an arrow into him. He ran into a pond, Randy hit him with a 2nd arrow & Travis had to wade to retrieve the bull! Very nice P&Y bull! This bull was the #1 Archery Bull in the WyOGA Awards program for the 2015 season!
Guide Nycole Pollard showed Bob this bull on his 3rd hunt morning. They called & stalked & Bob made a great shot with his 300 Weatherby. The bull scored 322 3/8 SCI!
'Wig' & BMO guide Aaron Smith got onto several bulls, one bigger than this harvested bull. His bull was a huge, old bull that had broke his left side top points off fighting. He still scored 305 4/8 SCI!
Tom hunted with BMO guide Travis Pollard and passed bulls every day of his hunt. He & Travis found a huge bull,"biggest bull I have ever seen!" Travis said. The bull was on the border of 2 areas & just wouldn't present that shot in the correct area. Tom made a great shot with his 300 H&H Win.
Guide Terry Pollard showed this bull to Steve the first evening of his hunt & he passed the bull. The next morning, Terry called the bull into 40 yards & Steve took him! This great bull scored 367 6/8 SCI! This bull was the #2 rifle moose in the WyOGA Big Game Awards program for 2015!
Mitch took this small bull by mistake. We sighted a huge bull the night before but he & guide John Richter got the two mixed up in the thick willows. It does happen.
Guide Terry Pollard & Marks 2015 Bull Moose. This bull was the #3 rifle moose in the 2015 WyOGA Big Game Awards program!
Guide Terry Pollard and Mark hunted hard & finally located this great bull. Mark made a great shot with his 7mm STW. The Bull scored 356 3/8 SCI.
BMO guide Nycole Pollard, presented this outstanding bull to Mike on his first hunt day. Mike had planned to hunt with his bow but considering that the bull was with 4 cows and the wind was wrong, Mike opted for his rifle. The bull scored 362 SCI points. His bull was the #1 Rifle Moose in the WyOGA Big Game Contest 2014!