Photo Gallery
Dale's lion showing her worn teeth. The Game and Fish estimated that she must be around 20 years old to show this type of wear? Lions don't normally eat carrion but with her worn teeth, that is probably why she was on the gut pile.
Bald Mountain guides Travis Pollard and Aaron Smith with Dales very good Bridger Wilderness bull moose. They are pictured at our Base Camp at Blacks Lake.
307-682-0939 Dale harvested this very nice Bull in the Bridger Wilderness in 2011. The Bull scored 312 6/8 SCI points and took 3rd in the 2011 WyOGA Awards program.
315-402-0369 John shot this very good BullMoose on the 3rd Day of his Hunt with BMO guide Derrick Sellergren on one of our Wilderness Hunts from an end of the road Spike Camp. He used his 7 MM Mag. with 162 GR.SST Hornady Bullet.
One of our live-in wait staff, Monica, sighted this very nice bull moose swimming Half Moon Lake. She was able to get to a boat and caught some great photos - please see the next 4 photos.
Monica was able to capture this unique photo of a trophy bull moose swimming Half Moon Lake with Half Moon Lake Lodge in the background! Great photo!