Photo Gallery
2011 After Mike harvested his very nice 5x6 Bull on Bald Mountain, we took him to the Chain Lakes where he had a great day of fishing, including this 29" Snake River Cutthroat that he caught in Spruce lake!!
13 Year Old Dillon with guide Aaron Smith and his first elk kill! 300 Win. Mag. Nycole spotted some cows on Badger Knob. Guide Aaron and I stocked the elk for 500 yards, Aaron told me to shoot when I felt like it and I nailed a big mature cow. Thanks Aaron and BMO!
300 Win.Mag. 4x5 Bull at 250 yards - He was sparring with a bigger bull but he gave me the shot. BMO is an outstanding organization. Terry & Nycole run a 1st class camp. The horses, equipment and staff, including my top notch guide, Jordan Johns, are all first class. Thanks for a great hunt!
216-647-9007 Ten Point Defender, Cross Bow. 5x6 Archery Bull with guide Nycole Pollard. This is my 3rd hunt and third bull with BMO and Nycole. She brought the bull to 33 yards and my new cross bow did the rest. Great Hunt, Thanks to BMO! Iwill see you next year.
300Win. Mag. My guide Jordan Johns bugled to my 6x6 bull and I shot him at 380 yards. Great Hunt, thanks BMO and Jordan.
264 Win. Mag. 140 grain. My guide, Aaron Smith, bugled in a very large, old 5x5 straight at me at 30 yards! He came on the run, straight up the hill, a dream come true! I'm now addicted to Bull Elk hunting, Charlie can have the cows!! I have taken 2 cows with BMO in the past. Great Hunt, Outfitter, Camp and Guide!!
920-722-8478 30.06, 180 gr. bullets. My guide, Aaron Smith bugled my bull to 129 yards in 'Aarons Park'. My 1st Elk Hunt and a great bull! Thanks to BMO and crew!
315-245-2880 6x6 Bull 270 Rem. My guide, Terry Pollard knows how to hunt!! One mid-day nap, one Terry's hunch, one cow call produced my 6x6 on the run to me at 40 yards. This is my 2nd hunt and 2nd bull with guide Terry and BMO. Everything was excellent!